Voynich astrologie






Met de astrologie bevinden we ons op bekend terrein. De astrologische tekens zijn bekend. De volgorde van de tekens van de dierenriem ligt vast. Bovendien gaat het om een beperkt aantal van twaalf pagina's, corresponderend met de maanden van het jaar. Als er een categorie uit de Codex Voynich is, die overzichtelijk is en beperkt van omvang, dan zijn het wel de astrologische pagina's. Die bieden dan ook de beste kansen om 'ontcijferd' te worden.




De astrologische pagina's van de Codex Voynich beginnen met f70v2 (Pisces) en eindigen met f73v (Sagittarius). Daar doet zich al direct het probleem voor, dat in de ons bekende astrologieën niet de Sagittarius (Boogschutter) het laatste teken is, maar de Aquarius (Waterman). De Aquarius komt echter niet voor in de Codex Voynich, maar we treffen er wel twee Tauri (Stieren) aan, een licht gekleurde en een donker gekleurde. De donker gekleurde Taurus (Stier) staat op zijn bekende plaats.


Weergave bij Beinecke, zie hier.

Weergave bij VIB zie hier.


Het probleem doet zich hierbij voor, dat 71r Aries (light) en 71v (Taurus (light) niet passen in de standaard volgorde van de astrologische tekens en  op 74r en 74v hadden moeten staan, die nu als 'ontbrekend' worden gerapporteerd. Dat houdt in, dat het uitvouwblad op de verkeerde plaats is ingevoegd. Dit kan ook aangetoond worden aan de hand van de oorspronkelijke katernaanduiding op 72v1 (Libra). De verwisseling is ongetwijfeld het gevolg van het dubbel voorkomen van Aries (dark, light) en Taurus (dark, light). De Taurus (light) treedt dientengevolge in de plaats van de ontbrekende Aquarius (Waterman).




Hieronder zijn de astrologische bladen weergegeven aan de hand van de VIB (Voynich Information Browser) met dien verstande dat 71r/v verhuisd zijn naar de ontbrekende 74r/v. De rood omlijnde pagina's behoren tot het tweede helft van de katern (8 van de 16 pagina's), waarvan de aanduiding op f72v1 (Libra) rechts onderaan vermeld is.



f69r preview f69v preview f70r1 preview f70r2 preview
f69r Rosette f69v Rosette f70r1 Rosette f70r2 Rosette

f70v1 Capricorn f70v2 Pisces 71r Goat (light)verwisseld met 74r f71v Ox (light)verwisseld met 74v
f72r1 Taurus f72r2 Gemini f72r3 Cancer f72v3 Leo
f73r preview f73v preview
72v2 Virgin 72v1 Libra Quire 73r Scorpio 73v Sagittarius
f71r preview f71v preview f75r preview f75v preview
missing 74r / 71r Geit (light)verwisseld met 74r missing 74v / f71v Os (light)verwisseld met 74v 75r Balneum 75v Balneum











































f70v2 VISSEN



f72r1 STIER




f72v3  LEEUW

f72v2  MAAGD


f72v1  WEEGSCHAAL (Katern)







































Ik heb er de voorkeur aan gegeven om de volgorde van de maanden aan te houden in plaats van de traditionele volgorde van de sterrenbeelden. Dat is, omdat zowel de volgorde van de sterrenbeelden als de benamingen afwijken. Het VMS kent geen CAPRICORN en AQUARIUS, maar wel een ARIES LIGHT en ARIES DARK en een TAURUS LIGHT en TAURUS DARK.  Uit de bijschriften bij de sterrenbeelden blijkt, dat daardoor bij de samensteller verwarring is opgetreden. Eigenlijk zou de CAPRICORN vervangen moeten worden door de ARIES DARK, maar tegelijkertijd zou de CAPRICORN als ARIES LIGHT en de AQUARIUS als TAURUS LIGHT naar het einde van het astrologische jaar verplaatst moeten worden. Dat werd me te ingewikkeld.


Feit is, dat de sterrenbeelden in de Codex Voynich op onderdelen afwijken van de standaard sterrenbeelden, zoals het feitelijk ontbreken van de CAPRICORN en de AQUARIUS en in de invoering van een LICHTE EN DONKERE ARIES en een LICHTE EN DONKERE TAURUS, waarvan de lichte versies in de plaats treden van de ontbrekende Capricorn en Aquarius. Daarnaast treffen we in de Codex Voynich ook een dubbele kreeft aan in plaats van de enkele kreeft. Ook hier is sprake van een lichte en donkere versie, maar nu zoals de Pisces verenigd in een sterrenbeeld. Deze verschillen vormen een belangrijk hulpmiddel voor de bepaling van tijd en plaats van de astrologie in de Codex Voynich.




In de eerste vier maanden (januari-april) zien we, dat de personen gekoppeld zijn aan tonnen, waarin ze met name in de wintermaanden januari en februari gekleed zijn afgebeeld. In de overige waanden worden de personen ontkleed weergegeven.  De achtergrond daarvan is niet bekend.  Een mogelijkheid is, dat er verschillende redacties zijn geweest en dat die tot een geheel zijn samengevoegd.  Wat de redactie van de tonnen betreft: de personen staan hier niet in badkuipen, zoals in de balneologische sectie. Water speelt hier geen rol.  De verschillende ornamenten, die op de tonnen zijn aangebracht, doet vermoeden dat er sprake is van torens van burchten of kastelen, die zich onderscheiden met heraldische uitingen zoals vlaggen en banieren, zoals die op de kastelen of burchten wapperden. Dezelfde kleuren en patronen werden ook gevoerd op wapenschilden.




De ontwikkeling van de astronomie en de astrologie kent een lange voorgeschiedenis, die terug gaat op de Babyloniers en de Egyptenaren. Daarin neemt de kennis van de dierenriem of zodiac een centrale plaats in, omdat die niet alleen van belang was voor de tijdrekening (horologium), maar ook als hulpmiddel voor de plaatsbepaling en richting voor de zeevaart en karavaanreizen in woestijngebieden. Al vanaf de vroegste tijden heeft men getracht patronen in de sterrenbeelden te herkennen en te benoemen. De sterrenbeelden treden veelal paarsgewijs op, soms verenigd in een teken (Libra), een dubbelteken (Pisces) of afzonderlijke tekens (in de codex Voynich bijvoorbeeld een lichte en donkere Aries en een lichte en donkere Taurus). In de astrologie zijn vervolgens menselijke eigenschappen aan die patronen toegekend en werd het gesternte waaronder men geboren was, bepalend voor iemands lot. 


Plinius de Oudere (1ste eeuw)


In zijn De rerum naturae gaat Plinius uitgebreid in op de astronomie, waarbij ook de tekens van de dierenriem aan de orde komen. Plinius maakt zelf geen onderscheid tussen astronomie en astrologie, maar refereert wel aan Hipparchus, die verband ziet tussen de sterren en de mensheid.


XIII. This is the system of the shining and occultation of the planets: it is more complicated from their motion and involves many remarkable facts, inasmuch as they change their magnitude and their colours, and both approach the North and retire towards the South, and suddenly are seen closer to the earth or to the sky. And although our account of these matters will differ in many points from that of our predecessors, we confess that credit for these points also must be given to those who first demonstrated the methods of investigating them: only nobody must abandon the hope that the generations are constantly making progress. All these occurrences are due to a plurality of causes. The first is the factor of the circles which in the case of the stars the Greeks designate apsides or arcs (it will be necessary to employ Greek terms). Each planet has its own circle, and these are not the same as those of the firmament, since the earth between the two vertices, named in Greek poles, is the centre of the sky, and also of the zodiac, which is situated on a slant between the poles. [All these facts are always established beyond doubt by the method of compasses.] Therefore the special arc of each is drawn from a different centre, and consequently they have different orbits and dissimilar motions, because the inner arcs must necessarily be shorter. It follows that the points of the arcs highest above the centre of the earth are: in the case of Saturn in Scorpio, in that of Jupiter in Virgo, of Mars in Leo, of the sun in the Twins, of Venus in the Archer, of Mercury in Capricorn, of the moon in the Bull, at the middle of each, and the points lowest and nearest to the centre of the earth are opposite. The result of this is that they appear to move slower and to be smaller when they are travelling at the highest point of their circuit, but to be larger and travel faster when they have come nearer to the earth, not because they actually accelerate or reduce their natural motions, which are fixed and individual to them, but because lines drawn from the top of the arc to the centre necessarily converge like the spokes of a wheel, and the same motion at one time is perceived as faster and at another slower according to its distance from the centre. Another reason of their elevations is because they have the points of their arcs highest from their centre in different signs—Saturn in the 20th degree of the Scales, Jupiter in the 15th of the Crab, Mars in the 28th of Capricorn, the sun in the 29th of the Ram, Venus in the 27th of the Fishes, Mercury in the 15th of Virgo, the moon in the 4th of the Bull. A third explanation of their altitudes is explained by the dimensions of the firmament, not that of a circle, the eye judging them to rise or to sink through the depth of the air.


XV. Many more facts can be produced about these mysteries of nature and the laws that she obeys—for example, in the case of the planet Mars (whose course it is very difficult to observe) that it never makes its station with Jupiter at an angle of 120º, and very seldom with Jupiter separated 60º (which amounts to 1/6th of the celestial sphere), and never makes its rises simultaneously with Jupiter except in two signs only, Cancer and Leo, whereas the planet Mercury rarely makes its evening rises in Pisces, and most frequently in Virgo, its morning rises in Libra, and also its morning rises in Aquarius, very rarely in Leo; it does not make its return in Taurus and in Gemini, and not below the 25th degree in Cancer; Gemini is the only sign in which the moon makes conjunction with the sun twice, Sagittarius the only one in which she does not meet him at all, Ariesthe only one in which the old moon and the new moon are visible on the same day or night (and this too it has happened to few mortals to see, hence Lynceus's reputation for keen sight); the longest period of invisibility for the planets Saturn and Mars is 170 days, for Jupiter 36 days; the shortest periods for all these are 10 days less; Venus's period is 69 days or at shortest 52, Mercury's 13 or at longest 17.


Claudius Ptolemaeus (2de eeuw)


Voor de geschiedenis van de astronomie en astrologie is de Tetrabiblios van Claudius Ptolemaeus (2de eeuw) van groot belang. Evenals Plinius maakt Ptolemaeus geen onderscheid tussen astronomie en astrologie. Hier volgt de vertaling uit het Grieks van hoofdstuk I,9.




9. Of the Power of the Fixed Stars.

As it is next in order to recount the natures of the fixed stars with reference to their special powers, we shall set forth their observed characters in an exposition like that of the natures of the planets, and in the first place those of the ones that occupy the figures in the zodiac38 itself.

The stars in the head of Aries, then, have an effect like the power of Mars and Saturn, mingled; those in the mouth like Mercury's power and moderately like Saturn's; those in the hind foot like that of Mars, and those in the tail like that of Venus.

Of those in Taurus,39the stars along the line where it is cut offa have a temperature like that of Venus and in a measure like that of Saturn; those in the Pleiades, like those of the moon and Jupiter; of the stars in the head, the one of the Hyades that is bright and somewhat reddish, called the Torch,40has a temperature like that of Mars; the others, like that of Saturn and moderately like that of Mercury; those in the tips of the horns, like that of Mars.

p49 Of the stars in Gemini, those in the feet share the same quality as Mercury and, to a less degree, as Venus; the bright stars in the thighs, the same as Saturn; of the two bright stars in the heads,41the one in the head in advance the same as Mercury; it is also called the star of Apollo; the one in the head that follows, the same as Mars; it is also called the star of Hercules.

Of the stars in Cancer, the two in the eyes produce the same effect as Mercury, and, to a less degree, as Mars; those in the claws, the same as Saturn and Mercury; the cloud-like cluster in the breast, called the Manger,42 the same as Mars and the moon; and the two on either side of it, which are called Asses,43the same as Mars and the sun.

Of those in Leo, the two in the head act in the same way as Saturn and, to a less degree, as Mars; the three in the throat, the same as Saturn and, to a less degree, as Mercury; the bright star upon the heart, called Regulus, the same as Mars and Jupiter; those in the hip and the bright star in the tail,44the same as Saturn and Venus; and those in the thighs, the same as Venus and, to a less degree, Mercury.

Of the stars in Virgo,45 those in the head and the one upon the tip of the southern wing have an effect like that of Mercury and, in less degree, of Mars; the other bright stars of the wing and those on the p51girdles like that of Mercury and, in a measure, of Venus; the bright star in the northern wing, called Vindemiator, like those of Saturn and Mercury; the so-called Spica, like that of Venus and, in a less degree, that of Mars; those in the tips of the feet and the train46like that of Mercury and, in a less degree, Mars.


[Libra ontbreekt]


Of those in the Claws of the Scorpion,47the ones at their very extremities exercise the same influence as do Jupiter and Mercury; those in the middle parts the same as do Saturn and, to a less degree, Mars.

Of the stars in the body of Scorpio, the bright stars on the forehead act in the same way as does Mars and in some degree as does Saturn; the three in the body, the middle one of which is tawny and rather bright and is called Antares, the same as Mars and, in some degree, Jupiter; those in the joints, the same as Saturn and, in some degree, Venus; those in the sting, the same as Mercury and Mars; and the so-called cloud-like cluster, the same as Mars and the moon.

Of the stars in Sagittarius,48 those in the point of his arrow have an effect like that of Mars and the moon; those in the bow and the grip of his hand, like that of Jupiter and Mars; the cluster in his forehead, p53like that of the sun and Mars; those in the cloak and his back, like that of Jupiter and, to a less degree, of Mercury; those in his feet, like that of Jupiter and Saturn; the quadrangle upon the tail, like that of Venus, to a less degree, of Saturn.

Of the stars in Capricorn,49those in the horns act in the same way as Venus and, in some degree, as Mars; those in the mouth, as Saturn and, in some degree, as Venus; those in the feet and the belly, as Mars and Mercury; and those in the tail, as Saturn and Jupiter.

Of the stars in Aquarius, those in the shoulders exert an influence like that of Saturn and Mercury, together with those in the left arm and the cloak; those in the thighs, like that of Mercury in a greater degree and like that of Saturn in a lesser degree; those in the stream of water, like that of Saturn and, in some degree, like that of Jupiter.

Of the stars in Pisces,50those in the head of the southern Fish act in the same way as Mercury and somewhat as does Saturn; those in the body, as do Jupiter and Mercury; those in the tail and the southern cord, as do Saturn and, in some degree, Mercury; those in the body and backbone of the northern Fish, as do Jupiter and, in some degree, p55Venus; those in the northern part of the cord, as do Saturn and Jupiter; and the bright star on the bond, as do Mars and, in some degree, Mercury.


Of the stars in the configurations north of the zodiac, the bright stars in Ursa Minor have a similar quality to that of Saturn and, to a less degree, to that of Venus; those in Ursa Major, to that of Mars; and the cluster of the Coma Berenices beneath the Bear's tail, to that of the moon and Venus; the bright stars in Draco, to that of Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter; those of Cepheus, to that of Saturn and Jupiter; those in Boötes, to that of Mercury and Saturn; the bright, tawny star, to that of Jupiter and Mars, the star called Arcturus; the star in Corona Septentrionalis, to that of Venus and Mercury; those in Geniculator,51 to that of Mercury; those in Lyra,52 to that of Venus and Mercury; and likewise those in Cygnus. The stars in Cassiopeia have the effect of Saturn and Venus; those in Perseus, of Jupiter and Saturn; the cluster in the hilt of the sword, of Mars and Mercury; the bright stars in Auriga,53of Mars and Mercury; those in Ophiuchus, of Saturn and, to some degree, of Venus; those in his serpent, of Saturn and Mars; those in Sagitta, of Mars and, to some degree, of p57Venus; those in Aquila,54of Mars and Jupiter; those in Delphinus, of Saturn and Mars; the bright stars in the Horse,55of Mars and Mercury; those in Andromeda, of Venus; those in Triangulum, of Mercury.


Of the stars in the formations south of the zodiac the bright star in the mouth of Piscis Australis56has an influence similar to that of Venus and Mercury; those in Cetus, similar to that of Saturn; of those in Orion,57the stars on his shoulders similar to that of Mars and Mercury, and the other bright stars similar to that of Jupiter and Saturn; of the stars in Eridanus the last bright one58has an influence like that of Jupiter and the others like that of Saturn; the star in Lepus, like that of Saturn and Mercury; of those in Canis, the others like that of Venus, and the bright star in the mouth,59 like that of Jupiter and, to a less degree, of Mars; the bright star Procyon, like that of Mercury and, in a less degree, that of Mars; the bright stars in Hydra,60like that of Saturn and Venus; those in Crater, like that of Venus and, in a less degree, of Mercury; those in Corvus, like that of Mars and Saturn; the bright stars of Argo,61like that of Saturn and Jupiter; of those in Centaurus, the ones p59in the human body, like that of Venus and Mercury, and the bright stars in the equine body like that of Venus and Jupiter; the bright stars in Lupus, like that of Saturn and, in less degree, of Mars; those in Ara, like that of Venus and, to a lesser degree, of Mercury; and the bright stars in Corona Australis, like that of Saturn and Mercury. Such, then, are the observations of the effects of the stars themselves as made by our predecessors.


Bron: LacusCurtius



Isidor van Sevilla (7de eeuw)


In dit verband is van belang, wat bisschop Isidor van Sevilla (c.560-636) in zijn Etymologiae over de astrologische tekens schreef. Voor de goede orde: Isidor van Sevilla was de eerste die onderscheid maakte tussen astronomie (wetenschap) en astrologie (bijgeloof). * Isidor van Sevilla vermeldt daarin, dat er ook andere benamingen van de sterrenbeelden in omloop waren. Hij noemt daarbij expliciet Aquarius (Waterman). Zo noemt hij o.a. Arctos (Poolster).  Het woord arctos kennen we uit o.m. ant-arctica.


De astrologie van de Codex Voynich gaat ongetwijfeld terug op die van de Spaanse bisschop Isidor van Sevilla in diens Etymologiae. Isidor van Sevilla (c.560-636) maakt in zijn tijd al een haarscherp onderscheid tussen de astronomie en de astrologie*, die hij als bijgeloof beschouwt. Desondanks geeft hij in zijn Etymologiae (Liber III, XXIV De Astronomiae nomine, LXXI De nominibus stellarum) een overzicht van de ons bekende sterrenbeelden, waaraan hij er nog enkele toevoegt:


[22] Iam vero illa, quae ab ipsis gentilibus signa dicuntur, in quibus et animantium imago de stellis formatur, ut Arcton, [ut] Aries, Taurus, Libra et huiusmodi alia; hi, qui sidera perviderunt, in numerum stellarum speciem corporis superstitiosa vanitate permoti finxerunt, ex causis quibusdam deorum suorum et imagines et nomina conformantes.

[23] Nam Arietem primum signum, cui, ut Librae, mediam mundi lineam tradunt, propter Ammonem Iovem ideo vocaverunt, in cuius capite, qui simulacra faciunt, arietis cornua fingunt.

[24] Quod signum gentiles ideo inter signa primum constituerunt, quia in Martio mense, qui est anni principium, solem in eo signo cursum suum agere dicunt. Sed et Taurum inter sidera conlocant, et ipsum in honorem Iovis, eo quod in bovem sit fabulose conversus, quando Europam transvexit.

[25] Castorem quoque et Pollucem post mortem inter notissima sidera constituere: quod signum Gemini dicunt.

[26] Cancrum quoque inde dixerunt, eo quod cum ad id signum mense Iunio sol venerit, retrograditur in modum cancri, brevioresque dies facit. Hoc enim animal incertam habet primam partem, denique ad utramque partem gressum dirigit, ita ut prior pars sit posterior et posterior prior.

[27] Leonem in Graecia ingentem Hercules occidit, et propter virtutem suam hunc inter duodecim signa constituit. Hoc signum sol cum adtigerit, nimium calorem mundo reddit, et annuos flatus Etesias facit.

[28] Virginis etiam signum idcirco intra astra conlocaverunt, propter quod isdem diebus, in quibus per eum sol decurrit, terra exusta solis ardore nihil pariat. Est enim hoc tempus canicularium dierum.

[29] Libram autem vocaverunt ab aequalitate mensis ipsius, quia VIII kal. Octobres sol per illud signum currens aequinoctium facit. Vnde et Lucanus (4,58): Ad iustae pondera librae.

[30] Scorpium quoque et Sagittarium propter fulgura mensis ipsius appellaverunt. Sagittarius vir equinis cruribus deformatus, cuius sagittam et arcum adiungunt, ut ex eo mensis ipsius fulmina demonstrarentur. Vnde et sagittarius est vocatus.

[31] Capricorni figuram ideo inter sidera finxerunt, propter capr[e]am Iovis nutricem; cuius posteriorem partem corporis in effigiem piscis ideo formaverunt, ut pluvias eiusdem temporis designarent, quas solet idem mensis plerumque in extremis habere.

[32] Porro Aquarium et Piscem ab imbribus temporum vocaverunt, quod hieme, quando in his signis sol vehitur, maiores pluviae profunduntur. Et miranda dementia gentilium, qui non solum pisces, sed etiam arietes et hircos et tauros, ursas et canes et cancros et scorpiones in caelum transtulerunt. Nam et aquilam et cignum propter Iovis fabulas inter caeli astra eius memoriae causa conlocaverunt.


*Wikipedia wil ons doen geloven, dat het onderscheid tussen astronomie en astrologie eerst na de middeleeuwen is gemaakt. Uit de Etymologiae van Isidor van Seville blijkt, dat dat onderscheid al in de 7de eeuw werd gemaakt en dat de astrologie werd beschouwd als bijgeloof (superstitio).


Zie: Etymologiae.




In het onderstaande overzicht staan links de bijschriften bij de afgebeelde figuren en rechts  de teksten tussen cirkels. De slechte leesbaarheid van de astrologische pagina's heeft geleid tot verschillende transcripties. De betekenis van de teksten is niet bekend zolang het schrift niet is geïdentificeerd.  Het overgrote deel van de bijschriften bij de afgebeelde figuren begint met o-, gevolgd door een speciaal teken. Een minderheid begint met y-, eveneens gevolgd door een speciaal teken.


f70v1 Aries (donker)


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: otalchy. tar. am. gy= opchey. sal= otakaiman= okalal= otaly= oalcheg= otchodals= okolshy= otshshdy= otal. ypsharal=

Takahashi: otalchy. tar. am. dy= opchey. sal= otokaiman= okalal= otyly= oalcheg= otchodals= okolshy= otshshdy= otol. ypsharal=

Stolfi: otalchy. tar. am, dy= opchey. sal= otakaiman= okalal= otaly= oalcheg= otchodals= okolshy= otshshdy= otal. ypsharal=

Grove: otalchy. tar. amdy= opchey. sal= otakaiman= okalal= otaly= oalcheg= otchodals= okolcsy= otshshdy= otal. ypcsaral=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge:okoly= otalaiin= oteo. alols. araly= otooeey. otal. okealar= otear. araydy=

Takahashi: okoly= otolaiin= oteo. alols. asaly= oteoeey. otal. okeal. ar= oteas. araydy=

Stolfi:okoly= otalaiin= oteo, alols. araly= oteoeey. otal. okeal, ar= otear. araydy=

Grove: okoey= otalaiin= oteo. alols. araly= oteoeeyd*. otal. okeal. ar= otear. araydy=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)

F70v1 Aries (donker)


Buitenste ring

Takahashi: sheal. dalalody. oteoshey. okoksheo. shokey. raiin. otor. ochy. sais. cheody. cheey. oteoeey. oamr. chcthy. dlal. oteodaiin. ykeody. oteody. sheo. daiin. oteedy. chekalchs. dar. shoteeody. okeeo. dal. cheody. okchoteees. oteeody. cheokeo. otaiin. shes. toar. aly. daly. sheal. daly.

Stolfi: sheal. dalalody. oteeshey. okoksheo. shokey. r, aiin. otor. ochy. s, air. cheody. cheey. okeo, chy. oa***. chcthy. dlal. oteo, daiin. ykeody. oteody. sheo. daiin. oteedy. chekalchr. dar. shoteeody. okeeodal. cheody. okchoteees. ot**ody. cheokeo. otaiin. shes. toair. aly. daly.


Middelste ring

Takahashi: dal. daiin. okey. otodal. cheokeeo. okeodal. shol. olaiin. saiin. sheo. qokeeol. oteeykey. chekeal. oteosaiin. chekey. okeolol. chees. oteey. opotey. dal. al. s. otecheo.

Stolfi: dal. daiin. okey. otodal. cheokeeo. okeodal. shol. olaiin. s, aiin. sheo, qokeeol. okeey, key. chekeal. oteo, s, aiin. chekey. okeolol, chees. o**ey. *potey. dal, al, s. otecheo

f72r1 Taurus (donker)


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: oshodady/oshodody= chdaiir. dainy= oaiin. ar. ary= okalam= ytalshdy= char. alif= otaraldy= otaiin. otain= otalef. ys. ainam= ocholsharam=

Takahashi: oshodody= chdaiirsainy= oaiin. ar. ary= okalam= ytal. shda= char. alf= otaraldy= otaiin. otain= otalef. as. ainam= ochol. charam=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: oshodady= chdaiir. dainy= oaiin. ar. ary= okalam= ytalshdy= char. alef= otaraldy= otaiin. otain= otalef. as. ainam= ochol. sharam=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: ofaralar= otchoshy= otchdal= okeey. ary= otainy=

Takahashi: ofaralar= otchoshy= otchdal= okeey. ary= otainy=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: ofaralar= otchoshy= otchdal= okeeyary= otainy=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


F72r1 Taurus (dark)


Buitenste ring

Takahash: okoiin. oteeo. ckhey. cholo. cheol. olchear. al. oteey. chedal. oteedy. okeodaly. cheol. chokeol. cheolky. okaiis. okeedy. sheoltey. cheor. aiin. ydal. okochey. sho. okalshey. shol. chalaiin. chekeol. kol. otos. ar. aiin. otar. otam. chotam. sal. okeo. dar. ar. adal. dar. okeeas. aiin. oteey.

Stolfi: o, kaiin. oteeo, cthey. chlol. cheol. olcheor. al. oteey. chedal. oteedy. okeodaly. shol. chokeol. ch*****y. ***s. okeedy. ch**ltey. cheor. aiin. ydal. okochey. sho. okalshey. shol, chalaiin. chekeol, kol. otor, ar, aiin. otam. otam. chotam, ral. oteo, dar. ar, adal. dar. okeeos. aiin. oteey.


Middelste ring

Takahashi: oteodar. ytey. otey. shetey. chokshor. okalal. otaiin. sheol. aiin. otaiin. chetey. cheolor. oteoteeody. otor. chokaiin. okaiin. al. alo. cheedy. oteorar. cheky. chokal. otas. al. oqokar- {gap}

Stolfi: oteodar. ytey. otey. shetey. chokshor. okalal. otaiin. sheolaiin. o, taiin. chetey. cheolor. oteo, te**dy. otor. chokaiin. okaiin. al, alo. cheedy. otear, ar. cheky. chotal. otar. al, o, qota*- {gap}


Binnenste ring

Takahashi: oteeols. yroly- {gap}okees. al. aiin. okeor. chol. o. oteos. aiin. chal. otaiin. otchor. chckhy- {gap}

Stolfi: oteeols. aroly- {gap}okees. al, aiin. okeor. chol. o. o, teos. aiin. shal. otaiin. otchor. chcthy- {gap}

f72r2 Gemini


Buiten de cirkels

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: ofchdagy / ofchsaijy klairgy= karam=okairy= okealar=

Takahashi: ofchdady= oklairdy= okaram= okairy= okeolar=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: ofchdamy= oklairdy= okaram= okairy= okeolar=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: otaralgy= okalar= okal= okaly= okal= okeey. ary= oteeary= okair. gy= okair. cham= okeal= otarer= okaly= onary= okyd= otolam=

Takahashi: otaraldy= okalar= okal= okaly= okal= okeey. ary= oteeary= otair. dy= okaircham= okeal= otarar= okaly= orary= okyd= otolam=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: otar. aldy= kalar= kal= kaly= kal= keey. ary= teeary= otair. gy= okaircham= oteal= otar*{&an}= okaly= arary= okyd= otalam=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: otal= salal= okam= otalshy= okal. dy= chosar= otam= ainaly= okarchaj / okarchag=

Takahashi: otal= salal= okam= otalshy= okaldy= chosar= otam= ainaly= okar. cham=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: otal= salal= okam= otalshy=okaldy= chosan= otam= ainaly= okar. cham=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


f72r2 Gemini


Buitenste ring

Takahashi: otais. otees. oteos. aiin. okeo. daiin. okeey. cheokeodal. cheol. okeol. olcthhy. oteeykeey. tey. okalaiin. okalchal. chey- {fold}al. okeey. daiin. otar. al. chtaiin. otseey. qooeel. ckhal. chekaiin. otaiin. chy. d. r. aiin. al. y. sho. chekaiin. otedo*. qokeodal. saiin- {gap}

Stolfi: ot**r. otchs. oteor. aiin. okeo, daiin. okoly. chey, keodol, chol. okeol. olcthey. oteeykeeytey. okalaiin. okalchal, chey- {fold}***. daiin. ota**. chota**. ok***y. ***eol. ckhal. chekaiin. okaiin, chy. d, r, aiin, al. cho. chekaiin. otedal. qokeodal. s**r- {gap}


Middelste ring

Takahashi: oteey. tey. teodal. chokaly. ol. cheol. yaiin. oteodaiin. shokal. otey. otaiin. otal. y. dal. okaly. dalchdy. cseteeey. okal. shey. qoteeody. sheycthy. chotal. chees. otoees. aiin-

Stolfi: oteey. teo. teodal. chokaly. ol, cheol, *, aiin. oteodaiin. shok**. o***. otaiin. otaly, *al. otaly. dalchd*. csctheey. okal. csey. qotchody. cseycthy. chotal. chas. ot***s. aiir-

Binnenste ring

Takahashi: otees. chs. chchs. ar. yly. kaly. dar. otchey. okaiin. ola. in. dy. otoar. air. aloy. okaiin.

Stolfi: otees. **s. chchs, al, aly. kyly. dar. otchey. okaiin. olaiin. *y. otochs. air, alo*. okaii*. 

f72v3 Cancer


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: ykolairol= olkalaiin= olalsy= or. aiin. am= os. as. sheeen= otosaiin= opoiisooin. al. aes= ypaiin. aloly= oteey. daiin= oeeeodaiin= ofsholdy= opoeey. okaiin=

Stolfi: ykalairal= olkalaiin= olalsy= oraiin, am= or, arsheee*= oto*saiin= otchy, daiin= oeeodaiin= ofsholdy=

Grove: ykalairal= olkalaiin= olalsy= oraiinam=} osarsheee*= otaneaiin= opaiiinainal. yes= ypaiin. alaly= otchy. daiin= oeeodaiin= ofsholdy= oteey. okaiin=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: olfsheoral= or. alkam= ytairal= oeees. aiin= ory= ochey. fydy= ofais. o. seesaly= ykairaiin. oiral= okalar= orara= oeaiin. olaikhy=

Stolfi: aralkam= ytairal= oeeesaiin= **= oshey. fydy= ***ly= ***ral= okal= ***r*= olaiin. olackhy=

Grove: olfsheoral= aralkam= ytairal= oeeesaiin=ory= oshey. fydy= of**. sheesaly= ykairaiin. airal= okalair= orary= olaiin. olackhy=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Binnenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: oletal= opalal= yfary= osaiisal= ytoar. shor= octho= oral=

Stolfi: ypary=

Grove: oletal= opalal= ypary= osaiiral= ytoar. shar= octho= aral=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)

F72r3 Cancer


Buitenste ring:

Takahashi: ok{fold}eey. cheky. oteo. ykeey. chedaiin. okeeol. cheeor. chocthar. ar. oteody. oteedy. okeolaiin. oteey. okarar. ***{fold}*dy- {gap}sheol. al. alaiiin. okeos. olaiin. okos. okeo*ar. otes. sar. aiin. chekaithhy. chokees. oteedy. chekar. okar. ch*. ches. os. oiin. okeeey. cheey. ches. oteody. cheal. dy. shocthy. choteey. ereoly. oheol. sheey. chorain= {fold}

Stolfi: ok{fold}**y. choky. okes. ykeey. chedaiin. okeeol. che*or. *orchear. a*. otchdy. o*eolaiin. oteey. okar, or{fold}- {gap}sheol. al. araiiin. okeor. alaiin. o*or***. opey. chokar. ot***. **. **ar. **ar. **- {fold}**r. **r. **. ***. ch**. ***s. o*. ody. chealdy. chocthy. chs. **. **ol. ch*ol. sh*. *oraii*= {fold}


Middelste ring

Takahashi: otochedy. otal. okoey. sheedy. oteodar. ykeolal. ya. r. oteos. cheolaiin. ykeeoly. otaiin. shear. oiin. or- {fold}o*. *o*a. sheokeor. oteody. oekes. otees. oeteos. dotsey. se**or{fold}. oteol. shol. cheem. okeody. sheol. shey. sheysy. sho. teey. cheor. yoeteey. okeeoy. chy. okeeo. ykoly=

Stolfi: ***dy. oto*. okchy. che**y. oteodar. ykeolol. *air. oteos. cheo, l, aiin. okeealy. otaiin. shear. *ain. *- {fold}kea*. cheo. *ar. oteeody. **. o***. ot**. ***. ot**{fold}. oteol. chol. ***. o***. ch***. ch*a*. cheo*. s*. chot*. ***. o**. ***. **. okeeo. ytoly=


Binnenste ring:

Takahashi: oteey. arary. eeer. chem. shses. opcholalaiin. oteeor. am. sheal. otaipchy. oteees. ar. am. olaiin. otedas. olol. choty. oteol. sheshdy. chedy. chedy. dy. shes. eedy. sheol. chy. ckhol-

Stolfi: ot**y. ar. ***. ***. ***. opchol, al, aiin. otchor, am. sheal. okaipshy. oteeesar, am. olaiin. o**d**. olor. *choty. ***. sh**do. ch***. chedy. dy. **r. **d*. cheol. ***y. shol-

Centrale ring

Takahashi: okeos. aiin. olaiin. oraiin. octheol. arl. okeeody. oteos. aiin. koly-

Stolfi: oke***, **n. ola*. oraiin. octheol. ***. ***. ot**o*. a**. *tol-


f72v3 Leo


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: ok*olo{fold}= ogeom= oreeey= okam= okey= oteeeody= okyeeshy= **ofaiin= okoly= otoly= ofalals= reeeos. ocfhey= daiin. chcpy= oteey. dchyr= cheolpy= okeeol= okaly= okaldy=

Stolfi: okeal*{fold}= o**am= orchey= ykam= okey= otcheody= okyeeshy= **y. ofaiin= okaly= otoly= ofalals= sheeas. ocfhey= daiin. chepy= oteey. deey*= cheal**= okeeol= okaly= okaldy=

Grove: okealy{fold}= osham= orchey= ykam= okey= otcheody= okyeeshy= ol*{&ol}. ofaiin= okaly= otaly= ofalals= sheeos. ocfhey= daiin. chefy= oteey. deeyl= cheal= okeeol= okaly= okaldy=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: otoly. yty= sholeey= oky= chcthhy= loly= oeemy= odair. an= okary= oecs. aiin= oteesod= epal= otaly=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: otaly. yty= sholeey= oky= chcthy= laly= oeedy= odair. an= okary= o*csaiin= oteesed= of*l= ot*ly=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)

f72v3 Leo


Buitenste ring

Takahashi: soees. otchs. otedar. oteody. oteodal. oteos. ote*k**{fold}. *eody. sheokay. sheody. shedykeyl. eteodys. okoleeolar. okeey. shedy. otey. sho. shol. teody. okol*{fold}**. yklede*y. okechly. olaiin. shokche**. {fold}lol. chopchey. teey. teoda. cher. okecheay. otechol. chsor. cheey. daein. oyteiedar. chr{fold}. cthy. otycheedy. oteeoly. chokory-

Stolfi: doar. otchs. otedar. oteody. oteodal. oteos. ot***{fold}**ody. **okeey. sheody. shedykeal. cheody, r. okoleeolar. okeey. shedy. okey, sho. shol. teody. okol*{fold}. *keed*y. okechdy. olaiin. shokeedy. {fold}chol. chopchey. teey, teody. ch*r. okechedy. otcheal. cheor. cheey. da**n. o, yteedar. ***{fold}. sh*cthy. otycheedy. oteeoldy. chokory- {gap}


Middelste ring

Takahashi: shos. {fold}otchy. **eody. cheokey. okeoekol. oteos. aiin. yal. eeedy. okeos. aly. shy. okay. okeeey. okeedaly. cholairy. oke. cheesy. okeeol. chey. otey. aldy. chdy. del. ok*eoloky. oty. aiin. cheis. otoly{fold}. ok****. etoteear-

Stolfi: *t***. ***. ***. {fold}***. **eeody. cheokeo. okeoekal. oteor, aiin. yol, eeedy. okeos, alyshy. okeey. okeeey. okeedal, y. cholairy. okedy. chees, y. okeeol. chey. okey, aldy. chdy, dal. oksholoky. oty. aiin. chas. oteey{fold}. ***. *t***. *-


Binnenste ring

Takahashi: okeserr. or. cskesol. okeol. yiin. cholal. ykesodarar. oleeo. dy. shedy. soear. aldy. oteor. cheor-

Stolfi: okos, chr, or, chkeeol. okeolaiin. cholal. ykeeo, darar. oleeody. shedy. solar, aldy. oteor, cheor-

f72v2 Virgo


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: oeedey= oeeo. daiin= okeoram= airolm= oshesy= okeory= cheoekcy= eeoeety= sheoeky= oteodar= ofchdysd= oeeod= yteody= okeody= okeoldy= ykeeol= opaiinar= eeeoloy=

Stolfi: oeedey= oeeo. daiin= okeoram= air. a*m= ocsesy= okeory= sh***ky= otchdar= opchdy. s*= oteeod= yteody= okeody= okeoldy= ykeeor= opaiin. ar= cheoldy=

Grove: oeedey= oeeo. daiin= okeoram= ir. aim= csesy= keosy= heoekry=***= csedeky= oteodar= opchdysd= oteeed= yteody= okeody= okeoldy= ykeeos= opaiinar= cheoldy=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: okaiin= oekeol= oeedy= opalg= okeeom= olkar= oeedaly= cheos. sh*s= ofcheay= yteedy= oraiin= okeo. ar=

Stolfi: okaiin= ockhol= oeedy= opalg= okeeog= olkar= oeedaly= cheosy= ofcheey= yteedy= oraiin= okeorar=

Grove: okaiin= ockhol= oeedy= opalg= okeeog= olkar= oeedaly= cheosy= ofcheeey= yteedy= araiin= okeorar=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)

f72v2 Virgo


Buitenste ring

Takahashi: ataseos. oty. oteos. oty. chotey. dchy. chopchy. otycoyl. ctheol. shey. tchols. choraiin. chekaiphy. oteeos. yly. oksedy. cseo. cthey. ***eck*y*. ge*****eem. cth***s. okeeel. okedy. cheos. okeeor. cheey. okeey. tchy. cheeey. ekeolol. sheeoeky. oekeeor. aiin. olal. olal. kair. okolraiin-

Stolfi: *toschs. oty. oteos. oty. chotey. dchy. chopchy. otoch**. cth**l, shey. tchols. choraiin. cheka**y. d****. o*chod. aly. *****. ****. ****. ****% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % . ****. ****ly. cheos. okchor. cheey. okeey. cheeey. ckholol. sheeo*y. oekeeoraiin. olal, kair. okolraiin-


Middelste ring

Takahashi: otees. ody. otey. otchos. sheot*. yteed. dchsaiin. shol. okches. air. am. shey. qokeodal. oteotey. oteoldy. otealchedy. chotal. al. okal. cheol. saraiin. cheokaidy. sandy. otol. chskar. alteol. oltar. or-

Stolfi: oteesody. otey. otchar. sheot*. yteeg. dchsaiin. shol. okeees. air. am. shey. qokeodal. oteotey. oteoldy. oteal, chedy. chotal, al. okal, cheol. sar, aiin. cheok*aly. sairdy. otol. chekar. alteol. oltar. ar-


Binnenste ring

Takahashi: otaiin. otshedy. chokeedy. otes. al. al. ar. chetolain. sheodaly. sheokey. okealy. sany-

Stolfi: *t****. otshedy. chokedy. otes. alalar. chetalain. sheodaly. sheokey. okealy. r, aly-

f72v1 Libra


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: oeeoty= octhy= oteoly= okeoly= oeees= ocf{&F}shy= oees= okeeoly= odal= aiinod= odody= oteod= yteod= okchedy= okyl= ytaly= ocheos= oteofy= cheoepy= ykeedy=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: oeeaty= octhy= oteoly= okeoly= oeees= ocfshy= oees= okeealy= o*al= aiinod= odamy= oteod= yteo= okchody= okal= ytaly= oeeeos= oteofy= cheoepy= ykeeodg=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: oeeoly= okady= okeey= oiiny= oeey= okedy= ypain= okalair= oeeody= okeol=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: oeeoly= okydy= okeey= oiiny= oeey= okedy= ypaim= okalair= oeeody= okeol=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)



f72v1 Libra


Buitenste ring

Takahashi: otar. air. chpaly. oteody. okchesal. otear. alshey. oleealy. sh*etey. oteos. alal. dals. alchol. ytolaiin. ydaiin. chotar. ytal. oto. shoty. otey. okchedyly. shdary. sar. otedy. oto. rar. shedy. opsheytey. opairaly. choshydy. otar. cheedy. otalaiin. cheeky. okalar. ysr*y. s. ok*s*t*. oteos. alar.

Stolfi: ***. **lor, air. chpaly. oteody. okchedal. otear. alshey. oleealy. sh*key. oteas. alal. dals, alchol. ytolaiin. ydaiin. chotar. ytal. oto. shoty. otey. okched**y. chd**. dar. oteedy. otor. *r. shedy, *opshry, tey. oparaly. ch*shydy. ot**. ***. ***. ***. ***. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %


Middelste ring

Takahashi: otariir. otoltopar. oteol. aiin. ofas. al. otshedy. ofalar. alshdy. chpar. aiin. okaly. okar- {hole}yaly. opcheolfy. opar. cheoekey. otolopaiin. shaldy. chepchy. atey. tear- {stroke}

Stolfi: otar, iir. otol, topar. oteal, aiin, ofar, al. otshedy. ofalar. alshdy. chpar, aiin. okaly. oka*- {hole}yaly. ofcheolfy. op**r. chechkey. otal, opaiin. shaldy. chepchy. otey, t**r- {stroke}


Binnenste ring

Takahashi: otalal. dalal. ykeols. oteos. aiin. yotoam. oteey. saiin. oteoos. am.

Stolfi: otol, al. dalal. ykeols. oteo, s, aiin. *, otoam. oteey, saiin. oeeor, am.

 f73r Scorpio


Buiten de cirkels

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: otoly= chockhy= okedy= yteeody=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: otaly= chockhy= otedy= yteeody=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: otey= otaly= okeody= oteedyl= okesdy= okery= oksedy= ykeeory= oteeosy= shekal= oteedyg= okedal= chdy= dalshey= opaiin= okeos=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: otey= otaly= okeedy= oteedal= cthedy= okeey= okeedy= ykeeary= oteeory= shekal= oteedyg*= okedal= chdy= dalshey= ofaiin= ykeou=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: okeos= okary= ot*ad= ootady= oky= chefy= otal= shek= ar= kar=

Stolfi: okeos= otary= okeeody= oyteedy= oky= chefy= otal= shek= ar= kar=

Grove: okeou= otary= okchody= oyteedy= oky= chefy= otal=shek= ar=kar=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)



f73r Scorpio










Buitenste ring

Takahashi: ypolcheey. salchedal. chepchey. daraly. oteos. air. ar. oteosdal. chotchy. soteees. alshey. ches. al. chees. cheoly. leiir*. choteey. cheteey. cheteeeosaiin. chetchody. chedar. ar. cheteey. oteor. ar. air. alor. shetch. ytchy. cheody. ykeydom. oteos. alar. alcheky.

Stolfi: ypolcheey. salchedal. chepchey. daraly. oteos, air, ar. oteosdal. chotey. sot**ar. **sh*y. ****. **ch**s. ch**y. l*****chot*m. cheteey. cheteeeor, aiin. chetchody. chedar, ar. cheteey. oteor, ar. airalor. shetol. yteey. cheody. ykeydam. oteos, alar. alcheky.


Middelste ring

Takahashi: oteey. dar. al. opaiin. olalaiin. sair. ar. chopchedy. chdar. orom. otoreees. olteey. okees. otar. chey. oteas. ohor. opar. chey. daiin. qoiheey. scheey. dal. cheesy.

Stolfi: otchy. dar. yl. opaiin. olalaiin. r, aisam. chopchedy. chdar. oram. otar, eees. alteey. okchs. otarchey. oteas, cho, r. opees, chey. daiin. qochey. s, cheey. dal, chary.


Binnenste ring

Takahashi: osaiin. chedain. oteey. chedaly. okechs. chepchees. aly. oteodal- {gap}

Stolfi: osaiin. chedain. oteey. chodaly. ***s. chepchedaly. oteadal- {gap}

 f73v Sagittarius


Buiten de cirkels

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: okol= oteody= oteody= cheody=

Stolfi: cheody=

Grove: okal= oteody= oteody= chody=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: okeody= eol= odees= ecsy= ykeor= opals= ykeody= okeody= ypaiin= yfaiin. y= ofcheesy= oraiiny= ykeeody= okeos= ykeear= qokeoly=

Stolfi: okeody= sheol= odees= ary= ykeor= o*als= ykeody= oteody= ofcheesy= oraiiny= ykeeody= okeos= ykeeo*= qokeoly=

Grove: okeody= sheol= odees= airy= ykeor= ofals= ykeody= yteody= ypaiin= yfaiin. y= ofcheesy= oraiiny= ykchody= okeos= ykeear= qokeoly=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbrekt)

Kluge: (ontbreekt)

Takahashi: ched= oky= oiair= okal= ykey= ykeeo= okeod= ykey= ypal= otedy=

Stolfi: ched= oky= ar. ain= okal= ykey= ykeey= okeod= ykey= ypal= otedy=

Grove: ched= oky= ai. ain= okal= ykey=ykeey= okeed*= ykey= ypal= otedy=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)



f73v Sagittarius










Buitenste ring

Takahashi: otoar. ykeody. okodeey. qopchey. opaiin. qoteedy. dpy. otedy. csedy. qokeody. cheoral. okedal. oteody. shedy. otesalod. air. chy. ykchs. aly. ykeol. ydys. opchey. dy. toly. chfaikch. ytedar. echy. qokeey. oty. yteedy. choldy. qokalaiin. ykaipy. orary- {stroke}

Stolfi: otoar. ykeody. okodchy. qopchey. opaiin. qoteedy. opy. otedy, shedy. qokeody. cheor, al. okedal. oteody. shedy. otesal, *d, air, chy. ytaraly. y, keoly, dy*. opchey, dy. toly. chfaekchy. ytedar. chey. qokeey. oty. yteedy. choldy. qokalaiin. ykaipy. orary- {stroke}


Middelste ring

Takahashi: oteotor. alshy. oteolain. chokeedam. otody. qoty. shedy. chdy. tchol. oteody. cheytey. choty. okey. dy. okecholy. otey. chodaiin. chey. okchdy. saly. ar. daly- {gap}

Stolfi: oteotor. alshy. oteolain. chokadam. otody. qoty, shedy. chdy. tcholoteody. cheytey. choty. okey, dy. okecholy. otey. chodaiin. chey. okeedy. raly. ar. daly- {gap}


Binnenste ring

Takahashi: otedchor. alar. olkcho. oto. lam. okees. chory. ytaly. ylaly. otasam- {gap}

Stolfi: otarchor. alar. olkchy. otolam. okchs. chory. ytaly. alaly. otaram- {gap}

 f71r Aries (>f74r)


Buitenste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: oteosarar= okldam= oteoaldy= oteolar= okeoaly= otaleky= opalrar= cheary= oteo. tey. sary= otalaly=

Takahashi: oteos. arar= okldam= oteoaldy= oteolar= okeoaly= otaleky= otalsar= chsary= oteotey. sary= otalaly=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: oteos. arar= okldam= oteoaldy= oteolar= okeoaly= otaleky= opalsar= cheary= oteotey. sary= otalaly=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: (ontbreekt)

Kluge: otolchdy= otoloaram= ote*ol= otolchd= otalgar=

Takahashi: otol. chdy= otoloaram= oteeol= otolchd= otal. dar=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: otolchdy= otoloaram= oteeol=otolchd= otaldar=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


f71r Aries (light) > f74r


Buitenste ring

Takahashi: olkeeody. okody. okchedy. oky. eey. okeodar. okeoky. oteody. oto. otol. oteey. ar. ykooar. aiin. aekeeey. okeokeokeody. okeodar. chy. s. aiin. otokeoar. or. ar. al. otol. al. shckhey. oteeeodar. oteody. otol. aiin. shoekey. sal. al. ald. cheeokseo. qorky. choly=

Stolfi: olkeeody. okody. okeeedy. oky, eey. okeodar. okeoky. oteody. oko. okol. okeey, ar. ykodar. aiin. oekeeey. okeo, keo, keody. okeodar. chy. s, aiin. oto, keoar. os. ar, al. otol. al. shckhy. oteeeodar. oteody. otal, aiin. shoekey. rol, al, ald. ch*, oteeo. **o**y. choly=


Middelste ring

Takahashi: oteody. oteos. ockhey. oteesaey. lsheotey. okalody. shs. shey. oteey. otechar. chekal. okody. eeedy. oteodal. okol. lkchol. daiin. okeeees. ykees. al. okchy. otey. oteoshaly- {gap}o=

Stolfi: oteody. o*teor. ockhey. otchechey. lsheody. okal, ody. shs. shey. oteey. otechar. checkal. otody. eeedy. oteodal. chokol. lkchol. daiin. okchees. ykees, al, okeey. otey. oteoshaly- {gap}o=


Binnenste ring

Takahashi: oteeol. otal. chs. char. cheky. chetshy. okeeody. oteey. chekeen. okeol=

Stolfi: oteeol. otal, chs. char. cheky. chetshy. okeeody. oteey. cheku. okeol=

 71v Taurus (licht)


Buitenste ring

Currier: char. orol= chpaly= okolar= otchody= olcphy= otaiin= okaraiin= *kar. araly= opalar. am. diin= opalorar=

Kluge: char. oroj= chfaly= okolar= otchody= alcphy= otaiin= okaraiin= otar. ar. aly= opalar. am. gan= opalar. ar=

Takahashi: char. orom= chfaly= okolar= otchody= olcphy= otaiin= okaraiin= okar. ar. aly= opalar. am. dan= opalor. ar=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: char. arom= chfaly= otolar= otchody= alcphy= otaiin= okaraiin= etar. ar. aly= opalar. am. dan=opalar. ar=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: opaepom= otalody= otalaiin= otar. shor= sholshdy=

Kluge: ofa*fom= otalody= otalaiin= otar. shar= sholshgy=

Takahashi: ofacfom= otalody= otalaiin= otar. shor= sholshdy=

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

Grove: ofacfom= otalody= otalaiin= otar. shar= cholcsdy=

Mardle: (ontbreekt)



f71v Taurus (light) > f74v


Buitenste ring

Currier: oshe*. parar. oteeodaiin. she. ateey. daiin. oteokeey. dal. al. oteey. teey. dy. otchy. keey. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % alody. cheal. otar. otam. oteadar. chpchy. opar. al. aiin. oteoshor. okeodaly. oteey. teeey. oteey. kee*r. or. arol. cheols. ota*kaly-

Takahashi: osheo. parar. oteeodaiin. she. ateey. daiin. oteokeey. dal. al. oteey. teey. dy. otchy. keey. shseor. ochey. ****. ****eodal. sheeolody. alody. cheol. otar. otam. oteodar. chpchy. cpar. al. aiin. oteochor. okeodaly. oteey. teeey. okeey. keor. or. arol. cheols. okaikaly-

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)


Middelste ring

Currier: okol. sheeor. chal. oteeos. al. sheky. okalar. ar. okeo. dar. oty. oto. kaiin. chey. tol. okchr. chtor. cheor. shepchol. otor. sheo. shopcho. ar. aly. okey. cheey. otal. al. sh*dy. otaly.

Takahashi: okol. sheeor. chal. oteeos. al. shsky. okalar. ar. okeo. dar. oty. oto. kaiin. chey. tol. otchr. chtos. cheor. shepchol. otor. sheo. shopcho. ar. aly. okeo. cheey. otal. al. shldy. otaly.

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)


Binnenste ring

Currier: kal. okeey. okeosar. otaiin. chkeeal. okal. cheekaiin. okaiin. okshor. dar. oteey.

Takahashi: kal. okeey. okeosar. otaiin. chkeeal. okal. cheekaiin. okaiin. okchor. dar. oteey.

Stolfi: (ontbreekt)

F70v2 Pisces


Buitenste ring

Currier: oty= oty. *dy= oty. ay= okaly= otody= otyld= otaldar= okody= opysaj= chekeey= otaly= otal. arar= otaldy= okeoly= okydy= okeer= opaladj= okary= otar{fold}=

Kluge: oty= oky. ody= oty. ar= okala= otody= otald= otaldar= okagy= otysam= chckhey= otaly= otal. arar= otaldy= okeoly= okydy= okees= otalalg= ykary= otar{fold}=

Takahashi: oty= oky. ody= oty. or= okaly= otody= otald= otal. dar= okody= opys. am= chckhhy= otaly= otal. rar= otal. dy= okeoly= okydy= okees= otalalg= okasy= otar{fold}=

Stolfi: oty= oky. ody= oty. ar= okaly= otody= otald= otaldar= okody= opys, am= chckhey= otaly= otal, arar= otal, dy= okeoly= oky, dy= okees= otalalg= ykary= otar{fold}=

Grove: oty= oky. amy= oty. ar= okaly= otody= otald= otaldar= okody= opys. am= chckhey= otaly= otal. arar= otaldy= okeoly= okydy= okeer= otala. m= okary= otar. r{fold}=

Mardle: oty= oky. ody= oty. ar= okaly= otody= otald= otaldar= okody= opysam= chckhey= otaly= otal. arar= otaldy= okeoly= okydy= okees= otalaim= ykary= otar{fold}=


Middelste ring

Currier: otalal= otalar= otalaj= dolaraj= okaraj= oteosal= salols= okaldal= ykolaiin= otar. aj=

Kluge: otar. al= otal. ar= otal. am= dolaram= okaram= oteosal= salols= okal. dal= ykolaiin= otar. am=

Takahashi: otaral= otalar= otalam= dolaram= okaram= oteosal= salols= okaldal= ykolaiin= sar. am=

Stolfi: otaral= otalar= otalam= dolararm{'rm'combined}= karam= oteosal= sal, ols= okyl, dal= ykolaiin= otar. am=

Grove: otaral= otalar= otalam= dolararm{'rm'combined}= okaram= oteosar= syrols= okyldyl= ykolaiin= sair. am=

Mardle: otaral= otalar= otalam= dolaram= okaram= oteosal= salols= okal. dal= ykolaiin= otar. am=


Binnenste ring

Currier: otral=

Kluge: otral=

Takahashi: otylal=

Stolfi: otalal=

Grove: otolal=

Mardle: (ontbreekt) 


f70v2 Pisces


Buitenste ring

Currier: okcheo. dar. otey. ykeey. t{fold}chy. otsheo. oteotey. shey{crease}. shecth. opcheol. dar. dateey. sal. ody. choteey. choeteedy. oteoteotsho. yteor. alain. sheodaly. eko. aiin. cholkal. chotear. oteady. cholaiin. oteeeoal. ol. sheeor. okay{fold}. chol. dy. okeer. chor. ola*. otaiin. oteeody. sos. todaiin. chokain. otalal. okcham.

Takahashi: okcheo. dar. otey. ykeey. t{fold}chy. otsheo. oteotey. shey{crease}. sheckh. opcheol. dair. dateey. sal. ody. choteey. choeteedy. oteoteotsho. yteos. alain. sheodaly. ckho. aiin. cholkal. chotear. oteody. cholaiin. oteeeo. al. ol. sheeor. okey{fold}. chol. dy. otees. cho. r. ol. ar. otoaiin. oteeody. sos. todaiin. chokain. otalal. otcham.

Stolfi: okcheo, dar. otey. ykeey. t{fold}chy. otsheo. oteotey. shey{crease}. sheckh. opcheol, dair. doteey. sal. ody. choteey. choeteedy. oteoteotsho. y**or. alain. sheodaly. ckho, aiin. cholkal. chokear. oteady. cholaiin. oteeeo, al. ol. sheeor. okey{fold}. chol. dy. okees. cho. s. ol, ar. otoaiin. oteeody. sos. todaiin. chokain. otalal. otcham.


Middelste ring

Currier: chedaino. oteey. dar. sheeey. daiin. chelaly. oteody. chotol. chedy. oteatey. oteeeorar. alody. daiir. oteedar. oteey. tchy. dalal. cheoltey. oteedy. sheeteey. s- {fold}oteeol. ykeeos. shey. okeor. alinralor. dainlamdy. otar. am. aral. ota*{fold}-

Takahashi: chedaiin. otchy. dair. shchey. daiin. chalaly. oteody. chotol. chedy. oteatey. otcheor. ar. alody. daiir. oteedar. otchy. tchy. dal. al. cheoltey. oteedy. sheeteey. s- {fold}h*s. keeol. ykeeos. shey. okear. ar. ar. alos. daimdy. otar. am. ar. al. otard{fold}-

Stolfi: chedaiin. oteey. dair. shchey. daiin. chalaly. oteody. chotol, chedy. oteotey. oteeeor, ar, alody, daiir. oteedar. otchy, teey. dal, al. cheoltey. oteedy. sheeteey. s- {fold}oteeol. ykeeos, shey. okair. ar, ar, alor. daim, am, dy. otar, am. ar, al. otai*{fold}-


Binnenste ring:

Currier: otal. dlay. oteoal. dal. aldy. otaiin. ar. oteey. chal. o. qoteeal. ar. al. otaiin. al. teodaiin. oteeo. cthey. oteeos. oteos. aiin. l**j.

Takahashi: otal. dlay. oteoal. dal. aildy. otaiir. ar. oteey. shal. o. qoteeal. ar. al. otaiin. al. teodaiin. oteeo. cthey. otchos. oteos. aiin. d*iy.

Stolfi: otol. daly. oteoal. dal, ail, dy. otaiin. ar. oteey. shal. o. qoteeal. ar, al. otaiin. al. teodaiin. oteeo. cthey. oteeos. oteos. aiin. dshy.






